Visual Regression Testing for Hugo with Github-CI and BackstopJS
in Software on October 14, 2020 | Github Actions BackstopJS Docker Automation Hugo Bash
Visual Regression testing is usually accomplished by building two different versions of a website, taking screenshots of all of it’s pages and then comparing them for visual differences. This is a fairly old topic with projects going back nearly a decade. While many are deprecated or archived it’s probably never been easier to automate screenshots from a browser thanks to first class automation support from Chrome.
After setting out to finally automate this and doing some research it seems there are some fairly mature and popular SaaS solutions that I could have used like percy which appears to have a free tier and even uses Hugo as an example in some of their docs. However, I wanted to accomplish this myself with Github Actions so I continued digging until I came across BackstopJS.
Using this tooling, the following procedure should suffice:
- Checkout master branch
- Install Hugo at version in
- Build website
- Capture reference screenshots
- Checkout branch to be tested
- Install Hugo at version in
- Build website
- Capture test screenshots
- Compare reference and test screenshots
- Upload test results as artifact
If this type of automation interests you then this post should be able to provide some insight into how to accomplish it.
Setup BackstopJS scenarios
Let’s start by creating our BackstopJs configuration. We will follow a basic pattern established by wlsf82. However, I have altered it to support this approach. Choose a folder to put your files. I chose devops/backstopjs
Create basic.js
with the contents:
const baseUrl = "http://host.docker.internal:1313";
const projectId = "static-hugo";
const url = require('url');
const urls = require('./urls.json'); // Contains an array of url strings
const relativeUrls = => {
return url.parse(absUrl, false, true).pathname;
const viewports = [
module.exports = {
This file contains basic configuration and is responsible for loading and parsing your urls into a list. The baseUrl
value of host.docker.internal
and file urls.json
will be explained more later in the post.
Create main.js
with the contents:
const basicConfig = require("./basic");
const ONE_SECONDS_IN_MS = 1000;
const scenarios = [];
const viewports = [];
// Creates the list of scenarios (urls to screenshot) => {
label: relativeUrl,
url: `${basicConfig.baseUrl}${relativeUrl}`,
requireSameDimensions: false,
// hideSelectors: ['iframe'],
// Could be used to hide (and therefore ignore) youtube videos
}); => {
case "phone":
pushViewport(viewport, 320, 480);
case "tablet":
pushViewport(viewport, 1024, 768);
case "desktop":
pushViewport(viewport, 1280, 1024);
function pushViewport(viewport, width, height) {
viewports.push({ name: viewport, width, height });
module.exports = {
id: basicConfig.projectId,
paths: {
bitmaps_reference: 'backstop_data/bitmaps_reference',
bitmaps_test: 'backstop_data/bitmaps_test'
report: ["browser", "CI"],
engine: "puppeteer",
engineOptions: {
args: ["--no-sandbox"]
asyncCaptureLimit: 5,
asyncCompareLimit: 50,
This script is used to convert your basic settings into an appropriate scenario configuration for backstop.
Create bash script helpers
These bash scripts will facilitate the creation of a workflow shortly. You’ll need a place to put them inside your repository. I usually go with devops/scripts
The Taskfile pattern is great for organizing your scripts conveniently for use by a developer like a Makefile.
Hugo installer helper
We’re going to be building the website with two different hugo versions so having a script that can install a specific version of hugo for us would be very helpful. Leaning on my past post about a hugo install command, here’s what I came up with:
set -e
echo "Searching for Hugo $VERSION"
URL=`curl -s \
| jq -r --arg version $VERSION \
| select(.tag_name == $version)
| .assets[]
| select(.browser_download_url
| test("hugo_extended(.*)Linux-64bit.deb"))
| .browser_download_url'`
echo "Found $URL"
INSTALLER=$(basename $URL)
wget -q --show-progress -P /tmp $URL
sudo dpkg -i /tmp/$INSTALLER
rm /tmp/$INSTALLER
This file reads in .hugoversion
, downloads the specified Hugo and installs it.
Wait for helper
We need to spawn the hugo process in the background so that we can run the testing commands. Because of this, we need to be able wait for hugo to be ready to respond.
timeout --foreground 300 bash \
until [[ "\$RESP" == "$CODE" ]]; do
[[ \$RESP ]] && sleep 1
RESP=\$(curl -sIL -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}' $URL | tr -d '\n')
echo -ne "\$RESP "
TRIES=\$(( TRIES + 1 )) && [[ \$(( TRIES % 10 )) == 0 ]] && echo
duration=$(( SECONDS - start ))
if [[ $RET -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "$URL returned $CODE in $duration seconds"
echo "$URL timed out after $duration waiting for $CODE"
exit 1
This polls $URL
with curl
until $CODE
is returned with some fancy output to help debug workflows
Regression test runner helper
We need to run the same basic steps twice (install, build, screenshot) so let’s DRY that up with a helper script. We also need to ensure that hugo will respond to backstop in the docker container.
ACTION=${1?} # "reference" or "test"
# Start a hugo server in the background. The -b[aseUrl] is very important
hugo serve -b host.docker.internal --bind &
# Wait for hugo to respond before continuing
./devops/scripts/ localhost:1313
# Download and parse the sitemap into an array of urls
curl -s http://localhost:1313/sitemap.xml \
| npx sitemap --parse \
| jq --slurp '. | map(.url) | sort' > devops/backstopjs/urls.json
# ADD_HOST_FLAG allows the container to make requests out to the hugo serve that is running outside of docker
HOST_IP="$(ip route | grep -E '(default|docker0)' | grep -Eo '([0-9]+\.){3}[0-9]+' | tail -1)"
ADD_HOST_FLAG="--add-host host.docker.internal:$HOST_IP"
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/src $ADD_HOST_FLAG \
backstopjs/backstopjs $ACTION --config=devops/backstopjs/main.js
kill %1 # Stop hugo serve
exit $RET # Preserve the error code from the docker run
Create Github Actions workflow
Now it’s time to tie it all together!
Create a .github/workflows/regression-test.yml
name: Check for regressions
types: [ labeled, synchronize, reopened ]
branches: [ master ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout repo at master
uses: actions/checkout@v2
ref: master
- name: Install dependencies
run: ./devops/scripts/
- name: Generate Screenshots for reference
run: ./devops/scripts/ reference
- name: Checkout repo at ${{ github.base_ref }}
uses: actions/checkout@v2
clean: false # Without this the test results would be cleared
- name: Install dependencies
run: ./devops/scripts/
- name: Run regression test
run: ./devops/scripts/ test
- name: Upload regression test results as an artifact
if: always() # If the test fails we will often still have a report
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
name: regression-test-results
path: backstop_data
A couple of advanced things to try with this workflow:
- Only run the pipeline when the pullrequest has a particular label
- Run a docker pull for
in the background andwait
for it to finish before reference - Store your compiled resources in a separate branch to speed up builds
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